March 20, 2008

men and their gadgets

I woke up to almost stepping on the cat's barf. He threw up right at the foot of the bed. It was still quite obviously dark, so had I not seen what looked like to be a turd out of the corner of my eye, I would have started my morning off on a really bad foot.

But anyways, that's besides the point. My topic is gadgets. If anyone knows my Mr. Hubsters, they would know that his love is his daily chat with Rogers (our telecom company) either arguing or trying to get some type of service/deal for his PDA. He also attended (BC-Before Child) and helped organize a group where men would meet once a month and talk about PDA's (I called it his monthly "nerd" group).

So recently, having started this business and also managing my other graphic design business, I have been pounded with many emails. Mr. Hubsters has been trying to convince me for YEARS to get a PDA. I hated them. I hated the bulkiness. I hated the look. I hated being so "available". I hated everything about it. I hated it even more because of his obession with it.

But I realized everytime I was out, I would come home to a billion messages and spend another hour or two responding. I couldn't keep up and have a 1 year old hanging off my legs. So I gave in. I decided to get a Blackberry. (which silently thrilled Mr. Hubsters because it gave him another excuse to call Rogers).

I must say that I am absolutely in love with my new device. It's more addictive than Facebook. Since my life revolves around computers, it's a necessary extension of my work. I was working 14-16 hour days on the computer (BC-Before Child).

So a couple nights ago, I decided to go early to bed and take my device with me. I was entering in all my contacts. Mr. Hubsters looked at me like I was wearing the latest Federicks of Hollywood. But I wasn't. I was wearing a nasty old sweatshirt and long johns. I was like "What's with the look?". His reply "You look so sexy with that PDA".

Moral of the Story: Men can be surprising. Keep up with Technology. Lingerie can be a possible waste of money.

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