June 11, 2008

what goes around comes around

Before child, I was one of those individuals who thought "oh, my kid is never going to be like that".

That meant:

~ behave like an angel (ha!)

~ eat what I give him (an even bigger ha!)
~ no McDonald's (can I capitalize HA?!)
~ no negotiating (haven't really hit that point yet, but I'm sure I'll fold like a deck of cards)
~ no harness because he will walk beside me like a well behaved child!

Needless to say, that all went out the window with the 5th point happening today.

I went and bought a Harness. Why? Because once Buddy is out of his stroller, it's game over. You will exhaust yourself to the point of collapsing by chasing him, never mind in this heatwave of 40C weather. Or you will most likely find yourself diving from a moving vehicle as he plummets himself into oncoming traffic.

I haven't seen these harnesses before last weekend. I always thought they looked like dog leashes. You know, the ones that are retractable. I mean, who wants to walk their kid like a dog?

But these ones are made to look like backpacks. There is even a big pocket so you can store stuff in it. The tail of the monkey is actually the strap with a little loop where you put your hand in to hold it. They come in a Monkey, Dog, Horse or Unicorn style.

I talked to a couple of friends. Sure you get the stares and comments, some good some bad, but who wants to sacrifice safety? Tell the gawkers to take a picture!

These are available for $14.99 CAD. Check out the manufacturer at GOLD BUG


With God's Help said...

ya gotta do what ya gotta do! I'm all for them but my little smarty pants figured out how to get out of his so it was pointless for me!

Anonymous said...

Finally! someone else agrees with the harness idea! safety first I say!