March 28, 2008

bins and purging

Ever get the urge to throw out everything you own?

That’s me right now!
Cleared house = cleared head

I just feel like I’m drowning in post-consumer waste. That feeling times 100 with kids. I get to the point that I hate getting gifts, please don’t clutter my house more, the real gift you could give me and the kids would be to come and take something away. I’m currently reading an issue of Dwell where the cover story is the under 1000 square foot house. They showcase several amazing houses, but it’s obvious that these inhabitants have cancelled Christmas, all birthdays, and every other gift giving occasion. A bigger house however would only make the situation worse. More places to put more stuff. I like my small house, it forces us to be clever about storage, we have a Goodwill box in our hall closet which is delivered at least monthly, we really aren’t chronic shoppers, but still, the amount of stuff that accumulates in this house makes me feel crowded, stressed, and adds to my already procrastinating personality. If only my house was organized, I could get stuff done.

We have about 50 Rubbermaid bins in the basement, maybe I should buy another 50, empty the contents of my house into them and see what items I miss.

My guess would be none of it.

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