March 20, 2008

one woman show

Today was a little hectic. One would know that when purchasing a 4 pm lunch at the 7-11. Mind you, I was quite surprised by this local corner store. I had the intention of going in their to ship a product. So I walk in, and the lady behind the counter greets me. "Hello, Hi". I then walk to the back where the postal outlet thing is. I stand there for 10 minutes. The same lady that greeted me comes to the postal counter and takes my package and processes it. "Oh thank you!" I then venture to the sandwich counter because I was starving at this point. The same lady starts soliciting their wonderful sandwiches. Infact, she was just making them and had samples ready for me to eat. Um. Ok. She goes to another counter and passes me a plate of yummy looking recently made sandwiches. I tried a sliver. I thought about it and felt rude to just walk out without getting anything, so I bought a Louisiana Wrap and a yummy Arizona Ice Tea. The same lady then cashed me out and wished me a "pleasant afternoon".

Talk about a one woman show. If she had a little toddler around, she would be Ultimate Mompreneur.

Unrelated Pet Peeve of the day: Filling gas in -10 degree weather, winds blowing at an astronomical 160 mph. Grandma drivers in a one lane open stretch of road.

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